Web2.0 Backlinks

Satisfaction Guaranteed

To get your complete satisfaction, we provide you proven results to get connected on a long term basis.

100% Manually Work

We believe in manual submission & we have 100% control over search engine optimization strategies.

100% Google Safe

Our SEO Specialists are qualified & We tried and tested high quality PENGUIN & PANDA safe backlinks.

Higher Ranking

Our SEO services are designed to make your business grow by improving your Google rankings through SEO.

What is a Web 2.0 Backlinks, and how is it done? 


Web 2.0 backlink sites are websites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Tumblr, Twitter, Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, Flickr, Youtube, Instagram, Weebly, and Xanga with the highest user traffic in the internet world. The backlinks received from these sites are considered safe compared to all other websites. Because the more the links provided by the users who have organic membership here, the more this indicates how intensively that web 2.0 site is used. For example, a backlink source taken from web 2.0 sites under the word “SEO” can actually be called notifying Google that such activity exists on your site. In other words, all backlinks that can be obtained from websites such as Facebook or Twitter are web 2.0 profile links.

Is it Harmful to Receive Links from Web 2.0 Sites?


It is normal for site and blog website owners to always be hesitant about quality backlink sites. Because there are many types of websites in the big world of the internet. Sometimes getting a link from an unwanted site will negatively affect your website. However, for web 2.0 sites, this is the opposite. On the contrary, this type of backlink source and the process of getting links from these areas is quite safe.

Our Packages Web2.0


Silver Package

15 High Authority Web 2.0 Links
High DA & TF Domains
Manual Dofollow Backlinks
Allow 1 URL & 05 Keywords


Gold Package

35 High Authority Web 2.0 Links
High DA & TF Domains
Manual Dofollow Backlinks
Allow 1 URL & 05 Keywords


Platinum Package

70 High Authority Web 2.0 Links
High DA & TF Domains
Manual Dofollow Backlinks
Allow 1 URL & 05 Keywords

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